
Expertise and diagnosis

Study of the fluvial context and of vegetation / banks / dikes (stabilization / remobilization of alluvial materials / erosion / desturcturation)

Qualitative and quantitative inventory of wooded areas, environments ecological characterization and inventory on horseback when conditions allow

Analysis of the risks induced by trees in dikes, dams and banks

Extensive Technical Visit on dikes and dams

Input of data using SIRS Digues V2 software

Inventaire de la végétation en place sur une digue.
Etude de de la distribution et morphologie des systèmes racinaires. Analyse des risques induits.
Inspection d’un perré maçonné colonisé par des essences ligneuses.
Inspection visuelle d’une digue de canal

Management recommendations

From occasional recommendations to detailed pluriannual management plan in order to define the management strategy for vegetation in the short, medium and long term

Global analysis including different aspects such as safety, regulation, environmental stakes (biodiversity, habitat, protected species / invasive species) and landscapes

Work follow-up

Monitoring of root systems extractions / dikes rebuilding, woody root systems analysis for inspection purposes during trees extractions

Environmental monitoring of the work sites

Ecological monitoring of the riverbanks during works

Advice and awareness to companies in charge of the work sites

Communication with local residents, associations and managers

Suivi des travaux de dessouchage remblai des arbres générant des risques.